Website content is story-telling events. Yet, the majority of digital media receive minimum or no audience response.

Digital content strategies strive to provide action-initiating media. Accordingly, website blogs and technical articles are story-telling events. Yet, over 95% of digital media receives no traffic and never connects with the target audience. How can content creators fix the response dilemma?

What are the problems with technical articles?

Do audiences expect dry statistics and tedious explanations of scientific data? Technology companies have exciting news to share with clients, investors, and more. Creating scientific media that is informative, entertaining, and accurate is a priority. 

As an international technology publication editor, I have seen too many great articles fail to connect with their target audience. The root cause for these failures is how the content is created.

This story is flawed from the start.

All website content begins by selecting a topic and high-interest keywords. Authors are eager to share what they consider important. However, results-oriented projects are not one-sided events.

What causes a lack of interest in well-written posts or articles? Too often, the authors don’t match the topic to the audience’s needs and interests.

Likewise, job responsibilities influence what the audience is seeking. In addition, readers’ interests and tasks are constantly changing.

“One-size-fits-all” approaches are unsuccessful.

Authors should ask what the audience needs to solve a problem and how to find the answers. Spending more time on the audience’s wants ensures more successful content reactions.

Productive digital content has a to-do list.

To develop successful website media and technical articles, use these steps:

Step 1. Select a topic and high-response keywords.

According to, finding keywords is the first step in finalizing the topic. Keywords also influence search engine optimization (SEO) terms. Think about how your audience is looking for technical information.

Improved search efforts consider the long-term view of digital media. A company’s website includes keywords and contextual information from past postings. Authors should optimize keyword lists to capitalize on existing and new content.

Building on the company’s expertise, experience, and authority provides credibility to the scientific community. The organization’s subject-matter experts (SMEs) can provide potential keywords and subjects based on their experiences.

SEO software tools help research potential keywords. Cross-referencing SEO terms with your SMEs’ recommendations can finetune the keyword lists. Likewise, keywords guide the article’s scope.

Step 2. Identify the target audience.

Authors should pinpoint the audience’s interest in the topic. Invest time to confirm the reader’s intent. Do they want general information, or are they seeking to purchase? Both have different values. Consequently, interest and intent influence keywords and SEO terms.

Authors should optimize the topic and keywords for people, not search algorithms. According to Joshua Hardwick, Head of Content at Ahrefs, the primary way to optimize for a keyword is to match the search intent.

Upfront work yields outstanding audience response.

It is tempting to jump into the writing process. Yet, time invested in Steps 1 and 2 lays the foundation for building high-interest content. These steps ensure staying focused on the target audience’s needs.

Remember: Website content is a story-telling event. More importantly, authors of technical information must focus on what the audience wants to know and their search methods to find it.

Part 2 continues the digital content strategy.

Steps 1 and 2 identify the target audience, topic, and keywords. However, authors have more work to do before writing the article. In Part 2, Step 3 explores the content’s end goal and the call to action from the audience.

Professional writing services elevate the success results from website articles, blogs, white papers, and more. For more ideas on developing results-oriented materials on how Global Energy Writers can assist your communication project, send inquiries to

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